TNC25: Brighton, UK | 9-13 June 2025
In this side meeting you can learn everything you need about OCRE Framework. We are happy to provide bespoke advice and explanation on amongst others:
• legitimacy of the Framework;
• GDPR compliancy;
• description on awarding procedures;
• overall usage possibilities within each lot.
Register here:
Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.
09:00 – 17:30 CEST | Room B
Chair: Monique Pellinkhof (GÉANT)
TNC, the largest and most prestigious research and education networking conference, attracts a diverse audience of over 800 participants from more than 70 countries and offers a unique collaborative experience.
Hoekenrode 3
1102 BR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
City House, 126-130 Hills Rd,
Cambridge CB2 1PQ
United Kingdom
TNC25 is co-funded by Europe’s NRENs and the European Union (EU).
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