TNC25: Brighton, UK | 9-13 June 2025
In case you need a Letter of Invitation for your visa process in order to travel to the UK, please fill out the below form.
Our partner Yellow Fish, a local professional conference organiser, will provide you with a Letter of Invitation based on the information from the below form.
Registration is required in order to receive an invitation letter. Go to the Register page.
* All fields are mandatory
This invitation letter does not cover travel, accommodation, subsistence costs, or the entrance fee. It only provides access to the TNC and any side meetings on the dates indicated above after registration.
TNC, the largest and most prestigious research and education networking conference, attracts a diverse audience of over 800 participants from more than 70 countries and offers a unique collaborative experience.
Hoekenrode 3
1102 BR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
City House, 126-130 Hills Rd,
Cambridge CB2 1PQ
United Kingdom
TNC25 is co-funded by Europe’s NRENs and the European Union (EU).
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